Published: October 26, 2017
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Manad Plus ‘Quality’ Features

The announcement yesterday by the Minister for Aged Care that announced accreditation visits will be replaced with unannounced audits across Australia’s residential aged care homes is another reason to ensure you are using all the Manad Plus ‘Quality’ features to their full potential.

Some of these are:

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Plans. Including the ability to save links to the relevant information in your database which triggered the area for review and improvement. These are all tagged to the relevant outcome.

Audits. Conduct self-audits against each of the outcomes and track what is and isn’t being met within your home. Document your findings and develop action plans.

Meetings. Create agendas and then document all discussion items and improvements into minutes. Send action items to your CQI.

• Coming Soon (v5.6) – Surveys. Survey your residents, families and staff on the performance of your home and what they like and don’t like.

If you are unsure about how best to use any of the Manad Plus ‘Quality’ features to stay on top of your accreditation and compliance all year round then contact your Manad Plus Client Manager to discuss.

1300 62 62 32 (1300 MANAD2)

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1300 62 62 32


1300 62 62 32