A community forum will be held in Adelaide. Commissioner, The Honourable Richard Tracey AM RFD QC will attend.
• Location: Adelaide Town Hall, Auditorium, 128 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000
• Date: Monday, 12 August 2019
• Time: 1:30pm to 4:00pm
There will be a chance to give written feedback to the Commission and to talk to Commission staff. A limited number of people will be able to give a brief statement. If you would like to do so please let us know when you register. Guidelines will be provided to all registered speakers.
You can book your place by:
• Telephone: 1800 960 711 (between 8.00am-6.30pm ACST Monday-Friday except public holidays). Interpreter services are available; or
• Eventbrite: https://aged-care-royal-commission-forum-adelaide.eventbrite.com.au
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