Published by: Anita Courtney, Solomon Miller, Dr Melanie Tan
Since the commencement of the new restraint provisions in July last year, there has been an increased focus on the issue of restraints.
A particularly vexing issue for the industry is what to do about keypads on the entrances and exits to/from aged care facilities, or areas within them (eg. secure dementia units).
With most of the industry using coded keypads to enter and exit, we are receiving a number of questions on this issue.
1. The keypad is there for everyone’s safety so it’s not a restraint right?
2. Is a keypad exit always a restraint?
3. Do I need consent from everyone in the facility?
4. What do I need to do if I have residents who can’t leave because of the keypad?
Read more:
Keypads in aged care homes and the rules on restraints: FAQs