Published: December 12, 2023
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Your Aged Care Update: Issue 48

Sector news

• Fourth Quarterly Financial Snapshot of approved providers released
• Webinar recording: Publishing provider reporting
• Changes to Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program
• Aged Care Wages – Historical Leave Liability Grant Opportunity

Residential care

• Reminder to keep your accommodation deposit approvals up to date
• Care minute targets for January to March 2024
• Quality Indicator program – new template
• New places to people guide – Preparing for a more competitive market
• COVID-19: Keeping aged care residents connected
• Submit your payment claim to Services Australia by 15 December

In-home care

• Fair Work Commission Home Care Packages Supplementation Grant


• Aged Care Registered Nurses’ Payments Round 2
• Maggie Beer Foundation: New online training modules
• Micro training course: Culturally inclusive service delivery

Read more:

Your Aged Care Update: Issue 48

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