Published: May 1, 2017
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Federal Aged Care Minister to Commission Review of Aged Care Quality Regulatory Processes

Released: 01 May 2017

The Turnbull Government is commissioning an independent review of the Commonwealth’s aged care quality regulatory processes to determine why they did not identify the extent of the failures of care at Makk and McLeay wards, as documented in the recent South Australian Oakden Older Persons Mental Health Service review.

The Federal Minister for Aged Care, Ken Wyatt, said he was shocked and concerned to hear about the mistreatment of people at the Makk and McLeay wards at the South Australian Oakden Older Persons Mental Health Service.

“The health, safety and wellbeing of older people who reside in aged care services are of paramount importance to the Australian Government,” Minister Wyatt said.

Read more:

Federal Aged Care Minister to Commission Review of Aged Care Quality Regulatory Processes (.pdf)

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