Published: March 20, 2019
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Indexation rates for Residential Aged Care and Home Care Packages and changes to the Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR)

An update of the schedules for residential and home care fees and charges, as well as subsidies and supplements will take effect from 20 March 2019. This is in line with changes to the basic age pension and indexation rates.

The updated schedules also give effect to the measures announced on 17 December 2018 by the Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison, of a 30 per cent increase to the Viability Supplement for eligible residential aged care providers and a 30 per cent increase to the Homeless Supplement.

The updated schedules also give effect to the measures announced on 10 February 2019 by the Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison, of a $320 million temporary general subsidy boost for residential aged care services and a permanent $35.7 million increase in home care supplements for dementia and cognition and veterans.

Read more:

Indexation rates for Residential Aged Care and Home Care Packages and changes to the Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR)

Schedule of Fees and Charges for Residential and Home Care from 20 March 2019 (.pdf)

Schedule of Fees and Charges for Pre 1 July 2014 Residents from 20 March 2019 (.pdf)

Schedule of Subsidies and Supplements from 20 March 2019 (.pdf)

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