Published: June 27, 2019
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New legislation introduced to minimise the use of restraints

Amendments have been made to the Quality of Care Principles 2014 to minimise the use of chemical and physical restraints in residential care settings, and to include specific requirements of aged care providers in relation to their use.

Under the amended Principles, a restraint is defined as “any practice, device or action that interferes with a consumer’s ability to make a decision or restricts a consumer’s free movement.”

Where physical or chemical restraints are used, approved providers must meet a number of conditions.

An approved provider must not use any restraint unless:

• the consumer has been appropriately assessed as requiring that restraint;
• alternatives to restraint have been explored;
• informed consent to use restraint has been obtained from the consumer or their representative; and
• relevant documents are maintained to demonstrate these conditions have been met.

Read more:

New legislation introduced to minimise the use of restraints

Quality of Care Amendment (Minimising the Use of Restraints) Principles 2019

Minimising the use of restraints

Self-assessment tool for recording consumers receiving psychotropic medications (.docx)

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