As part of the Commission’s response to coronavirus (COVID-19), our site visits will include the following new risk-based question on the minimisation of infection-related risks:
What action has the service taken to assess and minimise infection-related risks for the care of aged care consumers including the impact of a potential coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?
From Monday 9 March 2020, quality assessors will ask the additional risk-based questions of the person in charge at a service during the entry meeting on commencement of all performance assessments. This includes assessments with residential aged care services and home services.
Residential services – Risk-based questions
- Have there been any adverse findings by another regulatory agency or oversight body in the last 12 months? (e.g. Healthcare complaints commission or similar, Food safety authority, Workcover, etc).
- What trends do your complaints data show you?
- How many consumers are receiving pressure area care?
- Have there been any medication incidents in the past 6 months where a consumer required hospitalisation or attention by a medical officer?
- How many consumers have had falls and required medical attention in the past 3 months?
- How many consumers at the service are currently receiving psychotropic medications? (To be captured as a rate or percent of total consumers at the service.) How many consumers are restrained in order to manage risks to themselves or others at the service? (To be captured as a rate or percent of total consumers at the service.)
- Can you tell me about incidents in the past 6 months where a consumer or staff member has required medical attention as a result of challenging behaviour from a consumer?
- What action has the service taken to assess and minimise infection-related risks for the care of aged care consumers including the impact of a potential coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?
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