
Stay connected and stay up-to-date with what is happening in the aged care industry and with Manad Plus

Published: June 28, 2016
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Australia’s Aged Care Sector – Economic Contribution and Future Directions

The Aged Care Guild has commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to examine both quantitatively and qualitatively the economic contribution of the aged care sector in Australia, as well as to consider broader industry trends, policy issues, existing challenges and future implications.

The purpose of this report is to highlight the significant contribution of the sector and outline future directions for the aged care industry in Australia.

Read more & Download Report:

Deloitte- Australia’s aged care sector – Economic contribution and future directions

Published: June 22, 2016

IMPORTANT: Manad Plus ACFI Rate Updates

The 1 July 2016 ACFI rate updates should be released towards the end of the month (…if the Department release them in time).

In anticipation of this…Please note the following:

Version 5 clients:

Once the rates have been released we will create a new 5.2.x version which will contain the new rates as well as the Part A changes to the CHC scoring matrix for 1 July 2016 – 31 December 2016.
We will push this version update out automatically and notify you of its release. Please arrange now for your IT Administrator to be available to run this update as soon as possible (once it has been released) and all staff have logged out of Manad Plus.

NOTE: This update will be in v5.2 only, so if you are still running v5.1 the rate update patch will also update you to the latest version of 5.2.

Version 4 clients:

Once the rates have been released we will create a new 4.x version which will contain the new rates as well as the Part A changes to the CHC scoring matrix for 1 July 2016 – 31 December 2016.
We will log in and manually run this update for you on your server as we have done in the past (or if we have had other arrangements in the past we will continue with this process).
If you have any questions, then please contact our office and speak with your usual Manad Plus Client Manager.

Published: June 20, 2016
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Parliament of Victoria – Inquiry into End of Life Choices

On 9 June the Parliament of Victoria Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Committee tabled its Final Report of its Inquiry into end of life choices following 10 months of extensive research, consultation and deliberations.

The Committee makes 49 recommendations that focus on Victoria’s palliative care sector and advance care planning system as well the introduction of a legislated framework for assisted dying.

Read more:

PARLIAMENT OF VICTORIA – Inquiry into end of life choices – Final Report (.pdf)

Published: June 1, 2016
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Manad Plus Help Desk – 100% Satisfaction Rating for May 2016!

The Help Desk received a 100% satisfaction rating for the month of May 2016!

Thank you to everyone that provides feedback via the links at the completion of their support tickets. It’s great to hear you appreciate all the work our Help Desk staff provide to answer your queries and assist with any issues.

It is really nice to hear some of the comments like these:

“Melaan has a great knowledge of the billing system. Was a great help”
“always very patient and easy to understand, thanks”
“Great service”
“Excellent, very prompt and thorough!”
“Simply outstanding. Saved my sanity! Can’t thank you enough!”
“I am happy with Manad customer support as they had a good knowledge about the application and provided me specific answers”

Published: May 31, 2016
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Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine – Residential Aged Care Communiqué (May 2016)

The latest edition of the Residential Aged Care Communiqué is now available.

The Residential Aged Care Communiqué (RAC Communiqué) is an electronic publication containing narrative case reports about lessons learned from the Coroners’ investigations into preventable deaths in Residential Aged Care facilities.

Read more:

Residential Aged Care Communiqué – Volume 11, Issue 2, May 2016 (.pdf)

Published: May 26, 2016
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Pastoral and Spiritual Care of Older People (PASCOP) has changed its name to Meaningful Ageing Australia

Australia’s national peak body for spiritual care and ageing has changed its name to Meaningful Ageing Australia.

Formerly known as ‘Pastoral and Spiritual Care of Older People (PASCOP)’, the new name aims to more clearly communicate to a wider audience what the organisation is about.

Read more:

Meaningful Ageing Australia
PASCOP Meaningful Ageing eNewsletter • APRIL

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Suite 2, 430 Rae Street
Fitzroy North
VIC 3068
1300 62 62 32


1300 62 62 32