Published: December 19, 2023
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One-year on – Star Ratings highlights improved aged care

A year on from its introduction, Aged Care Star Ratings has revealed a significant improvement in the quality of aged care homes across Australia.

Within 12 months, the number of aged care homes with 4 and 5 stars has substantially improved. 1,329 homes (54 per cent) are now delivering good or excellent care (4 and 5 stars) which is an increase of 352 since December 2022. That’s a 15 per cent improvement.

Aged care homes that need improvement have decreased. 54 homes or 2 per cent are now receiving 1 and 2 stars, which is a decrease of 152 since this time last year.

Offering access to previously unavailable data, Star Ratings gives a comprehensive view of aged care home performance. It helps older people, their families and carers compare like for like services and encourages providers to embrace a culture of continuous improvement.

Read more:

One-year on – Star Ratings highlights improved aged care

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