Published: January 22, 2019
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Safeguarding Against Inappropriate Use of Physical or Chemical Restraint

The Commission is extremely concerned if any aged care consumer is being inappropriately restrained, either through physical means such as the use of a belt, or chemical means such as by using antipsychotic medication.

The Commission requires all residential aged care services to demonstrate that alternative strategies are used to manage challenging behaviours. Where absolutely necessary and therapeutically indicated, use of restraints such as antipsychotic medications must be a last resort and for as little time as possible, consistent with best practice guidance.

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner Ms Janet Anderson said: “The recent questions and concerns raised about the use of restraints in the aged care sector has further sharpened our focus on this important area of care.

Read more:

Safeguarding Against Inappropriate Use of Physical or Chemical Restraint (.pdf)

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