Published: June 1, 2015
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2015/2016 Annual Service, Support & Upgrade Fees

The Manad Plus 2015/2016 Annual Service, Support & Upgrade Fees were sent out a few weeks ago for the coming financial year. All annual fees currently expire on the 30th June so please ensure your accounts department has processed this prior to expiry to continue receiving support from 1 July.

If you do not believe you received the invoice then please email to request another copy

Published: June 1, 2015
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Windows Server 2003 Support Ending

On July 14, 2015, all support for Windows Server 2003 will come to an end.

What does end of support mean?

After July 14, Microsoft will no longer issue security updates for any version of Windows Server 2003. If you are still running Windows Server 2003 in your datacentre, you need to take steps now to plan and execute a migration strategy to protect your infrastructure.

According to estimates, there are still millions of servers running Windows Server 2003.

Windows Server 2003 support will end (link)

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1300 62 62 32


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