Published: June 27, 2019
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Open disclosure framework now available

A document detailing a new Aged Care Open Disclosure Framework and Guidance is now available on the Commission’s website.

Open disclosure is the open discussion that an aged care provider has with people receiving aged care services when something goes wrong that has harmed or had the potential to cause harm to a person receiving aged care service.

The open disclosure document is in two parts:

Part A describes when open disclosure should be used, principles, elements and case studies of open disclosure, organisational enablers to promote open disclosure and the requirements of the Aged Care Quality Standards, while
Part B provides practical guidance to support providers to practice open disclosure.

Open disclosure is a requirement under the new Aged Care Quality Standards, which contain two specific references to this process:

Standard 6: Feedback and Complaints – this requires providers to use an open disclosure process when things go wrong.
Standard 8: Organisational Governance – where clinical care is provided, organisations are required to have a Clinical Governance Framework which includes open disclosure.

Read more:

Open disclosure framework now available

Aged Care Open Disclosure Framework and Guidance (.pdf)

Published: June 27, 2019
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National Aged Care Mandatory Indicator Program

From 1 July 2019 all Commonwealth subsidised residential aged care providers are required to comply with the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program as outlined in the Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Quality Indicator Program) Principles 2019.

New manual

A new National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program manual is available on the department’s website and includes:

• definitions for each quality indicator
• data collection methods
• submission requirements.

Data collection

The first quality indicator data collection period is 1 July 2019 to 30 September 2019. Data is due to the department by 21 October 2019.

Read more:

Webinar: National Aged Care Quality Indicator Program

National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program Manual 1.0 (.pdf)

Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Quality Indicator Program) Principles 2019

National Aged Care Mandatory Indicator Program

Published: June 27, 2019
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New legislation introduced to minimise the use of restraints

Amendments have been made to the Quality of Care Principles 2014 to minimise the use of chemical and physical restraints in residential care settings, and to include specific requirements of aged care providers in relation to their use.

Under the amended Principles, a restraint is defined as “any practice, device or action that interferes with a consumer’s ability to make a decision or restricts a consumer’s free movement.”

Where physical or chemical restraints are used, approved providers must meet a number of conditions.

An approved provider must not use any restraint unless:

• the consumer has been appropriately assessed as requiring that restraint;
• alternatives to restraint have been explored;
• informed consent to use restraint has been obtained from the consumer or their representative; and
• relevant documents are maintained to demonstrate these conditions have been met.

Read more:

New legislation introduced to minimise the use of restraints

Quality of Care Amendment (Minimising the Use of Restraints) Principles 2019

Minimising the use of restraints

Self-assessment tool for recording consumers receiving psychotropic medications (.docx)

Published: June 27, 2019
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Single Charter of Aged Care Rights

The Commission and Department of Health have released resources to support consumers understand the Charter.

Consumers have the option of signing the Charter of Aged Care Rights (the Charter). Consumers can receive care and services even if they choose not to sign.

If a Consumer decides to sign the Charter, they are acknowledging that their provider has given them a copy of the Charter, and assisted them to understand:

• information about consumer rights in relation to the aged care service; and
• information about consumer rights under the Charter.

Read more:

Charter of Aged Care Rights A5 booklet (.pdf)

Charter of Aged Care Rights poster (.pdf)

Charter of Aged Care Rights Template for Signing (.pdf)

Charter of Aged Care Rights Template for Signing – translated versions

Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and Responsibilities – Residential Care

Charter of Care Recipients’ Rights and Responsibilities – Home Care

Published: June 27, 2019
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Regulatory Bulletin: Responding to non-compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards

The Commission begins monitoring and assessing provider performance against the Aged Care Quality Standards from 1 July.

The Commission has recently released a new Regulatory Bulletin on their website which explains how they will respond to identified areas for improvement and non-compliance with the new Standards.

The Commission’s response to non-compliance is proportionate to the level of assessed risk and the potential consequences of that risk for consumers.

Read more:

Regulatory Bulletin: Responding to non-compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards (.pdf)

Published: June 25, 2019
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Perth Hearing: Person-centred care

The Perth Hearing is currently taking place this week. The Royal Commission will inquire into:

• how aged-care services can be provided in a way which is person-centred, including care which values the identity, experience and autonomy of the person accessing care and promotes choice and control
• the factors that influence whether aged care services are delivered in a person-centred manner, including:
• the relationships between the person accessing care, people providing support (including family and other members of the community) and the service provider
• broader societal attitudes towards older people
• the perspective and experience of people who access aged care, including the ways in which aged care services are, or are not, person-centred
• good practice care models for providing person-centred aged care
• the role of advance care planning to support the provision of quality aged care services
• the extent to which people accessing aged care services are able to access palliative care
• the quality of palliative care services available to people accessing aged care services

Read more:

Perth Hearing: Person-centred care

Transcripts and Witness List

Published: June 25, 2019
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Indexation rates for Residential Aged Care and Home Care Packages and changes to the Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR)

An update of the schedules for residential and home care fees and charges, as well as subsidies and supplements will take effect from 1 July 2019. This is in line with changes to the age pension and indexation rates.

The new rates are now available on the department’s website

The Department of Human Services’ quarterly review of fees and charges for all care recipients will be effective from 1 July 2019. Care recipients and providers will receive letters letting them know if there is a change to a person’s fees and charges or if a refund may be due.

Read more:

Indexation rates for Residential Aged Care and Home Care Packages and changes to the Maximum Permissible Interest Rate (MPIR)

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