Attached is a communique from the Department of Human Services.
Published: July 10, 2017

Attached is a communique from the Department of Human Services.
The Department of Health has released a new edition of its ‘Information for Aged Care Providers’ newsletter.
Read more:
From 3 July 2017, My Aged Care is making changes to better support clients, including clients with diverse needs and improve access to information for health professionals.
These improvements will support clients through their My Aged Care journey, ensuring they are able to receive the assessments and aged care services they need. The changes will also improve health professionals’ access to information to support them to provide continuity of care for their patients.
Read more:
Service providers: Overview of My Aged Care representation changes
Assessors: Overview of My Aged Care representation changes
Health professionals: overview of changes to improve access to patient information
The next Manad Plus version update, which contains all the various rate updates, has now been finalised and released.
The Indexation of Residential Aged Care and Home Care subsidy and supplement rates to take effect from 1 July 2017 were published earlier this week. If you would like to make yourself familiar with the new rates, you will have received these via our eNews sent out on Tuesday 27th June (you can view that here).
Version 5 clients:
A new version, 5.4.56290.0, has been pushed out to all servers which were online. Those that were offline were not able to receive the upgrade file and you will need to contact our Help Desk to request this again (once your server is back online and able to receive the update file).
Please arrange for your IT Administrator to backup your database first and then run this update when all staff have logged out of Manad Plus, at a time which is convenient to you.
NOTE: We recommend running this when our help desk is open and you can receive support if needed.
Version 4 clients:
A new version, 4.17.10, which will contain the new rates has been created and we are in the process of logging in and manually running this update for you on your server as we have done in the past (or if we have had other arrangements in the past we will continue with this process).
If you have any questions, then please contact our Help Desk:
• 1300 62 62 32
Management Advantage Pty Ltd
Suite 2, 430 Rae Street
Fitzroy North
VIC 3068
1300 62 62 32