Published: April 6, 2020
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Happy Easter from all the staff at Management Advantage

From all the staff at Management Advantage, we would like to wish you a safe and Happy Easter, especially in these difficult times.

Due to COVID-19 and the safety of our staff, the Management Advantage Office has been closed until further notice.

The Manad Plus Help Desk is now operating remotely and will be open and available for support on both public holidays:

• Good Friday (Friday 10th April)
• Easter Monday (Monday 13th April)

Please note, while the office is closed and the phones are no longer monitored, if you have any questions/issues, please email

Remember to always use the self-help tools for assistance first. Go to: Help > Help Centre.

Published: April 6, 2020
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Infection Prevention and Control Signage

Standardised signs are available to all health service organisations wishing to increase the awareness of healthcare workers, patients and visitors to the necessary precautions to be applied for all patients (Standard Precautions) and for those patients who require Transmission-based Precautions, due to their known or suspected diagnosis.

The signage is available in several formats using both pictures and icons.

Contact and Droplet Precautions are recommended to prevent or limit transmission of COVID-19 in healthcare settings (except for aerosol generating procedures or critically ill patients with high volume/high frequency, prolonged care).

Most jurisdictions have co-badged signage available with state and territory co-branding

Read more:

Infection Prevention and Control Signage

Published: April 6, 2020
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COVID-19 Guide for Providers of in home aged care

A guide to assist Home Care and Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Providers who provide care to older people living at home is now available on the department’s website. This guide provides information and guidance on how to stay safe from COVID-19 including how providers can prepare their organisation, equipment and resources, and how staff and clients can manage COVID-19.

Other resource are available to assist the sector including online training modules and a collection of guides and fact sheets. These are being updated as the situation evolves.

Read more:

COVID-19 Guide for Providers of in home aged care

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guide for Home Care Providers (.pdf)

Published: April 6, 2020
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Outbreak Management

The Department of Health’s guide to outbreak management is available online. This resource outlines how to identify if there is an outbreak at your facility and the steps to take to manage the outbreak.

To determine an outbreak, apply the “two in three” rule. An outbreak is considered to have started if 2 people in 3 days become sick with the symptoms and at least one of these has a positive test for COVID-19. While this is a guideline, the state/territory public health unit will assist in deciding whether to declare an outbreak.

Read more:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak management in residential care facilities (.pdf)

Published: April 3, 2020
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Letter from the Commissioner – Posters to help manage COVID-19 risks in residential aged care facilities

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is continuing to monitor and support providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This message provides information about a new series of posters developed by the Commission to help providers in their preparation for a COVID-19 outbreak.


The posters have been developed to supplement the CDNA National Guidelines for the Prevention, Control and Public Health Management of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Residential Care Facilities in Australia.

The CDNA guidelines include a flow chart for managing COVID-19 in residential facilities. The posters take this flow chart and present it in a way that may be easier for facilities to see what they need to do for their particular circumstances.

Read more:

Letter from the Commissioner – 3 April 2020 (.pdf)

COVID-19 flowchart posters (.pdf)

Published: April 3, 2020
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Working together to support Senior Australians in aged care

The Federal Government rejects assertions by the ABC that there have been no inspections in nursing homes since the COVID-19 outbreak – or a commitment to infection control.

This is backed up by the statement from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, here.

There has never been closer interaction between Government, regulator and the sector.

The focus of all parties since the outbreak has been to ensure those most susceptible to the impacts of the virus have been protected and the sector prepared.

The Government has been engaging with the aged care sector since late January, issuing several fact sheets on COVID-19 and infection control and continues to meet with providers and peak bodies twice weekly to communicate related issues.

There has been seven specific training modules provided to the sector with over 58,000 aged care workers completing the basic module on infection control and 69, 527 completions across all modules as at April 1.

The Federal Government, the sector and its employees are actively engaged in preventing the spread of the virus.

Read more:

Working together to support Senior Australians in aged care

ACQSC Regulatory Response to COVID-19 Statement from Ms Janet Anderson PSM, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner (.pdf)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for families and residents on restricted visits to residential aged care facilities (.pdf)

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Suite 2, 430 Rae Street
Fitzroy North
VIC 3068
1300 62 62 32


1300 62 62 32