Published: June 28, 2021
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Supporting and improving aged care in rural and remote Australia

The Morrison Government is providing $40 million over two years for multi-purpose residential aged care providers to carry out minor capital works.

In response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the capital grant opportunity is another vital step in reinforcing multi-purpose services (MPS) which play an important part in providing care in regional and remote areas.

Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services, Richard Colbeck, said the investment will ensure the care of residents, particularly those in regional and remote areas, remained a priority.

“Australia has 179 MPS in outer regional and remote areas, in all states, the Northern Territory and Norfolk Island, providing health and aged care services to small communities,” Minister Colbeck said.

“Combined these MPS offer 3,688 flexible aged places in either residential aged care or home care settings.

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Supporting and improving aged care in rural and remote Australia

Published: June 28, 2021
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GP access to strengthen health and wellbeing in aged care

The Morrison Government is investing $42.8 million to strengthen the health and well-being of senior Australians living in residential aged care by increasing face-to-face contact with their GP.

Minister for Health and Aged Care, Greg Hunt, said Australians living in residential aged care will now better health care with increased access to their GPs.

“This funding boost provides an additional 120,000 GP services to senior Australians living in aged care facilities,” Minister Hunt said.

“It is part of our $17.7 billion response to the Aged Care Royal Commission. We recognise the importance of improving health care for people in residential aged care and this is essential in ensuring senior Australians are treated with respect, care and dignity.”

This program will support the 244,000 Australians who are in permanent residential aged care.

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GP access to strengthen health and wellbeing in aged care

Published: June 27, 2021
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Protecting Older Australians – COVID-19 Update – 27 June 2021

In this edition:

• NT – CHO announces lockdown
• WA Health – Restrictions announced
• QLD Health updated advice
• ACT – CHO Update
• NSW Health – clarification
• Zoom Meeting for aged care residents and families in Greater Sydney
• VIC Health – QR Code check in requirement
• OPAN Services
• State and Territory aged care COVID-19 information

Read more:

Protecting Older Australians – COVID-19 Update – 27 June 2021

Published: June 25, 2021
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Refundable Accommodation Deposit Support Loan Program opening on 1 July 2021

Eligible approved providers of residential aged care services will be able to apply for funding support under the Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) Support Loan Program from 1 July 2021 to 30 September 2021.

COVID 19 has had a significant impact on residential aged care providers, including lower occupancy and higher than anticipated refunds of RADs. In recognition of this, the Australian Government is making available up to $128.8 million in zero interest secured loans through the RAD Support Loan Program. The purpose of this funding is to assist eligible residential aged care providers to refund their RADs until 31 December 2021 without triggering an insolvency event.

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Refundable Accommodation Deposit Support Loan Program opening on 1 July 2021

Refundable Accommodation Deposit Support Loan Program

Published: June 25, 2021
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$10.1 million to reduce number of younger people in residential aged care

The Australian Government continues to deliver on its commitment to reduce the number of younger people living in residential aged care.

Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services, Richard Colbeck and Minister for Government Services, Linda Reynolds CSC said the Government is investing $10.1 million in a national network to help younger people and their families find age-appropriate accommodation and additional support.

“The aged care system was designed to best support the needs of senior Australians, not younger people,” Minister Colbeck said.

“We remain deeply determined to ensure younger people in need of care can find the support outside of the aged care environment.”

As part of the 2020–21 Budget, the Morrison Government committed to funding a national network of up to 40 Younger People in Residential Aged Care System Coordinators.

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$10.1 million to reduce number of younger people in residential aged care

Published: June 24, 2021
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Update on the Government’s stance on mandatory vaccinations and disclosure of vaccination status

Since the publication of our Alert ‘Can employers make vaccinations and temperature checks mandatory in today’s climate?’, the Federal Government has indicated that it is reconsidering its stance on mandatory vaccinations. In a press release from the Prime Minister’s Office, the National Cabinet announced that it has sought further advice Australian Health Protection Principal Committee on the efficacy of a mandatory vaccination scheme.

In particular, the Cabinet has indicated support for mandating vaccinations in industries servicing vulnerable clients, including the aged care and disability workforce. The Western Australian Premier’s Office has also foreshadowed a mandatory vaccination scheme in the aged care workforce, likely to commence in August. However, until further update from State, Territory or Federal Governments, vaccinations remain voluntary in all industries.

The Federal Minister for Health has also confirmed that employers in particular industries will be required to report the vaccination status of their workforce. At this stage, residential aged care providers will be required to report how many of their staff have been vaccinated against COVID-19, with a view to providing greater health security for residents. The current Government directive states that workers are not required to disclose if they have received a COVID19 vaccination.

Read more:

Update on the Government’s stance on mandatory vaccinations and disclosure of vaccination status

Published: June 24, 2021
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Information for the Aged Care Sector – Issue 2021/11

This newsletter provides important information on matters affecting the aged care sector, including aged care initiatives, programs and processes.

In this issue:

• Aged Care Diversity Framework and Action Plans
• Palliative Care Conference scholarships now open

Residential Care:

• QI Program resources now available

Home Care:

• Improved payment arrangements (IPA) for home care providers are coming – get ready now
• CHSP service finder de-duplication
• Report released: CHSP Data Study

Read more:

Information for the Aged Care Sector – Issue 2021/11 (.pdf)

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