Published: October 28, 2019
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Background Paper 8: A History of Aged Care Reviews

Successive Australian governments have shown a lack of willingness to commit to change or to adopt recommendations from a multitude of reviews and inquiries into aged care over more than 20 years, according to the latest background paper produced for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

Background Paper 8: A History of Aged Care Reviews, provides an overview of 18 major public reports and inquiries related to publicly-funded aged care in Australia since 1997, and looks at government responses to each of these.

“Responses often come years after the review and recount what has been done in an almost tangential way,” the paper says.

“Changes committed to are often slow to eventuate, or fall away prior to implementation.”

Read more:

Background Paper 8 – A History of Aged Care Reviews (.pdf)

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