Published: April 14, 2022
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Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC)

The Department of Health has finally released more detail and business rules around the upcoming AN-ACC funding model being introduced on 1 October.

We are now reviewing the new documents and planning all the Manad Plus feature updates required. We anticipate that most of the great features we have with ACFI will translate to AN-ACC so you can stay on top of your resident’s changing care needs and the impact this has on any potential funding changes. The AN-ACC features will be targeted for build version v5.12.

Read more:

AN-ACC Transition Support Plan (.pdf)

Transitioning from ACFI to AN-ACC FAQs (.pdf)

AN-ACC Key Facts (.pdf)

What is AN-ACC and how will it work? (.pdf)

How do I calculate my AN-ACC care funding? (.pdf)

How is cognition assessed under AN-ACC? (.pdf)

What are care minutes? (.pdf)

How do I calculate my care minutes target? (.pdf)

Can I ask for an AN-ACC reclassification? (.pdf)

How do I calculate my residential respite funding under AN-ACC? (.pdf)

What is the AN-ACC starting price? (.pdf)

What are AN-ACC Base Care Tariffs? (.pdf)

How allied health care is supported under AN-ACC? (.pdf)

What is the AN-ACC Transition Fund? (.pdf)

What are AN-ACC shadow assessments? (.pdf)

Are AN-ACC shadow assessments high quality? (.pdf)

How will AN-ACC shadow assessments impact residents? (.pdf)

Published: April 14, 2022
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COVID-19 Winter dose program in residential aged care

From today, residential aged care facilities can commence administering COVID-19 Winter dose vaccinations to aged care residents and workers who meet ATAGI’s criteria of a vulnerable individual.

A winter dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is recommended for residents in aged care ahead of the winter season, and aligns with the Commonwealth’s winter preparedness planning.

ATAGI recommends that aged care residents and other vulnerable groups receive their COVID-19 Winter dose from 4 months after their initial booster dose.

Read more:

COVID-19 Winter dose program in residential aged care

Published: April 8, 2022
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Funding boost for aged care advocates

The Morrison Government will direct $14.8 million to key aged care groups advocating for senior Australians.

This funding will be provided over three years to ensure the organisations can continue supporting and advocating for older people during a period of significant change and reform of the aged care system.

Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services, Richard Colbeck, said the funding would ensure the voices of senior Australians across a number of diverse communities.

“We are undertaking once in a generation reform of the aged care sector,” Minister Colbeck said.

“As we work towards a high quality and safe aged care system, we must have a deep understanding of the views, the wishes and the concerns of our diverse communities.

“It is vital that people with dementia, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, LGBTQI+ individuals and communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, gerontologists and associated health professionals continue to be well represented.

Read more:

Funding boost for aged care advocates

Published: April 8, 2022
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Aged Care Alert: Updates on AN-ACC funding reform

Residential aged care providers can now access the outcome of completed Australian National Aged Care Classifications (AN-ACC) shadow assessments through the My Aged Care Service Provider Portal.

The department has also published information about the AN-ACC funding reform, including the following 2022-23 Budget announcements:

• the AN-ACC starting price
• changes to the AN-ACC Base Care Tariffs
• transition support

Read more:

Aged Care Alert: Updates on AN-ACC funding reform

Residential aged care funding reform

Funding reform resources

Published: April 7, 2022
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Statement of Intent 2022

Dear Minister,

Thank you for your letter of 7 March 2022 setting out the Government’s Statement of Expectations for the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission). I welcome and support the Government’s expectations of the Commission and I am pleased to provide the Commission’s Statement of Intent in response.

The Government’s Statement of Expectations and this Statement of Intent will be published on the Commission’s website and included on the Transparency Portal with the Commission’s corporate plan.

As the national regulator of Commonwealth supported aged care providers, our role has never been more important. The Commission is unwavering in our resolve to deliver best practice regulation with the goal of protecting and improving the safety, health, wellbeing and quality of life of aged care consumers. We are also committed to implementing the Government’s significant, ongoing reforms to the aged care sector.

Read more:

Commissioner Statement of Intent 7 April 2022 (.pdf)

Published: April 5, 2022
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Your Aged Care Update #06

News about the reforms:

• 1,500 new Nursing and Allied Health Scholarships
• Food and Nutrition report reveals spending increase
• Reminder: Have your say on new residential aged care design standards

Other news:

• Have your say: Aged care research priorities survey
• Webinar: Digital Transformation Tech Talk
• Meeting the diverse needs of senior Australians

For residential care providers:

• Deployment of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) for residential aged care facilities
• AN-ACC technical documentation now available for software developers

For home care providers:

• Changes to My Aged Care: update your pricing information now

Read more:

Your Aged Care Update #06 (.pdf)

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