Published: June 19, 2017

IMPORTANT: ACFI Rate Updates – 1 July 2017

The 1 July 2017 ACFI rate updates should be released sometime next week (…if the Department release them in time before Saturday 1st July).

In anticipation of this, please note the following:

Version 5 clients:

Once the rates have been released we will create a new 5.4.xxxx version which will contain the new rates. We will push this version update out to all servers and notify you of its release.

Please arrange now for your IT Administrator to be available to backup your database and run this update when all staff have logged out of Manad Plus. Subject to the date the rates are released by DoH this update should be available Monday 3rd or Tuesday 4th July 2017.

Version 4 clients:

Once the rates have been released we will create a new 4.xxxx version which will contain the new rates.

We will log in and manually run this update for you on your server as we have done in the past (or if we have had other arrangements in the past we will continue with this process).


If you have any questions, then please contact our office and speak with your usual Manad Plus Client Manager.

1300 62 62 32

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Management Advantage Pty Ltd
Suite 2, 430 Rae Street
Fitzroy North
VIC 3068
1300 62 62 32


1300 62 62 32