Published: May 13, 2016
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LASA – Budget cuts to aged care $350 million more than Gov admitted

Media release – Friday 13 May, 2016

Leading Age Services Australia (LASA), the voice of aged care, says closer analysis of the Budget cuts to aged care show an additional $350 million will be removed from care services than the Government has projected, resulting in more than $2 billion in cuts expected over the next four years.

“We are appalled that the Government and Department have downplayed the total amount they are ripping from aged care services through changes to ACFI,” LASA spokesperson Beth Cameron said.

“Independent analysis by Ansell Strategic, commissioned by LASA for its members, has found that the changes to ACFI will see cuts of almost $350 million more than initially thought. Coupled with the reduction of $607 million announced last December, aged care providers will have to find about $2 billion from other sources to make up the shortfall and remain viable,” she said.

Read more:

Media release – Budget cuts to aged care $350 million more than Gov admitted
Ansell Strategic – “In a nutshell” The impact of budget cuts to aged care #2 – Budget Cuts Understated and Misdirected (.pdf)

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