Published: July 22, 2019
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Mildura & Brisbane Hearings Announced

The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Mildura from Monday 29 July 2019 to Wednesday 31 July 2019. The public hearing will look at the needs of family, informal and unpaid carers for older Australians, with a focus on:

Carers for older Australians

• the extent to which current arrangements meet those needs
• how services and supports for carers could be improved
• respite care.

The Royal Commission will hold a public hearing in Brisbane from Monday 5 August 2019 to Friday 9 August 2019. The public hearing will inquire into the regulation of aged care, with a focus on:

Regulation of Aged Care

• regulation of quality and safety in aged care and how aspects of the current regulatory system operate
• different approaches to regulation, including in other sectors
• how regulation and oversight of quality and safety in aged care could be improved.

Read more:

Mildura Hearing

Brisbane Hearing

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