
Stay connected and stay up-to-date with what is happening in the aged care industry and with Manad Plus

Published: March 28, 2018
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Manad Plus Mobile App – New iOS Version Available

Our iOS (Apple) App has now received an update and is available in the App Store.

The current Manad Plus Mobile App versions are now:

• Google Play Store:

• iTunes App Store:

These are both compatible with the new desktop version: v5.5.53231.0 or higher.

Published: March 28, 2018
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Nominations Call for Aged Care Quality Awards

Media Release: 28 March 2018

Nominations for the aged care 2018 Better Practice Awards open this weekend and Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt AM is encouraging providers to enter and highlight innovation and excellence.

“Showcasing quality, safety and the application of new ideas is particularly important during this time of significant change in the aged care sector,” Minister Wyatt said.

“The Better Practice Awards are an ideal opportunity to honour and promote the effective programs, projects and initiatives that are underway to provide service excellence for senior Australians in care.

“The awards are also a great way to reward staff, management and organisations for the hard work they do.”

Read more:

Nominations Call for Aged Care Quality Awards (.pdf)

Published: March 27, 2018
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Advice for providers: Federal Court ruling – ‘asset replacement charges’

On 2 March 2018, the Federal Court ruled that ‘asset replacement charges’ are not allowed under aged care legislation. This confirms the department’s position and previous advice. In summary, the ruling confirms:

• aged care legislation is an exhaustive scheme of all the fees that providers can charge consumers
• additional service fees can only be charged for ‘other’ care and services, i.e. other than the core care and services set out in the Quality of Care Principles 2014
• only amounts permitted under aged care legislation can be deducted from lump sum refundable deposits
• ‘asset replacement charges’ and similar fees are not permitted under aged care legislation.

Read more:

Advice for providers: Federal Court ruling – ‘asset replacement charges’

More information is available on the department’s website.

Published: March 26, 2018
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Participate in the Aged Care Workforce Strategy Taskforce employee survey

The Aged Care Workforce Strategy Taskforce invites everyone working in aged care to participate in an employee engagement and enablement survey.

It only takes 15 minutes to complete and closes on 15 April 2018. Responses are completely confidential and anonymous.

The survey is being run by one of the Taskforce partners, Korn Ferry Hay Group, and the results will:

• inform and support the development of a workforce strategy
• provide benchmarks for organisational performance improvement.

Read more:

Participate in the Aged Care Workforce Strategy Taskforce employee survey

Register for the survey

Published: March 26, 2018
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20 March 2018 Rate Updates (v5.5.53231.0)

During the past week the Department of Health released the 20 March 2018 rate updates.

As communicated via the previous eNews we have now finalised adding the rate updates to the next version of Manad Plus and it has passed testing.

We have prepared an update file (v5.5.53231.0) and already pushed this out to your server so this can be run as per your usual update process. Your IT Administrator will find the file in the Manad Plus ‘Updates’ folder. Please contact the Help Desk if you don’t believe you have received the file or are unable to run the update package.

Note: Finance Module users – there has also been a small update to the toolbar in the ‘Payments’ feature for both Receipts and Credit Notes. Please see the mini-Release Note which can be downloaded via the Help Centre on this small change. Follow the link below, log into the Help Centre Portal and scroll to the bottom of the page and under ‘Download’ you will see the .pdf file.

Link: Manad Plus – v5.5.53231.0 Mini-Release Note (1 MB)

Version 4 Users: If you are still running version 4, we have already manually run the v4 file update for many clients as per our previous rate update process.

Published: March 26, 2018
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Manad Plus Mobile App

Our Android App has had an update. The iOS (Apple) App will receive one soon as well.

The current Manad Plus Mobile App versions are now:

• Google Play Store:

• iTunes App Store:

These are both compatible with the new desktop version v5.5.53231.0 or higher.

NOTE: If you are currently not using the Manad Plus Mobile App while ‘on the floor’ to:

• record charting information
• access resident details and life story
• log a progress note
• check care plan interventions required
• record attendance at activities
• …plus more!

Then please contact your Client Manager to enquire if you are already licenced to activate this or if you need to purchase a licence.

P: 1300 62 62 32

Published: March 26, 2018
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Save the Date – Manad Plus User Group Meetings 2018

We are currently preparing a User Group Meeting to be held in both Sydney & Melbourne.

These will be held on:

Thursday 26th July 2018 (Sydney)
Friday 27th July 2018 (Melbourne)

Once we have confirmed the venues we will notify you of these as well as an agenda for the day.

If there is something you would like us to cover at the meeting then please let us know:

Published: March 26, 2018
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Unannounced Accreditation Visits

Are you concerned about unannounced accreditation visits?

You shouldn’t be if you’re using Manad Plus to its full capacity. We have a number of features that allow you to always be on top of each outcome and keep track of where you are up to. The main feature for this is your ongoing Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQI). This feature allows you to easily track and report on what improvements you are working on and are still ‘Pending’ completion, what has been finalised and ‘Completed’ and which improvements have been ‘Evaluated’ post-completion to ensure they are still working as intended.

To further assist with your compliance with the Standards there is also the Audits feature to conduct your own self-audits on how you are performing against each outcome. Results from the audits and new tasks can then be linked back to your CQI Plan to implement or you can take the results to the Meeting feature by creating ‘Discussion Items’ to add to your Agenda(s).

If you don’t believe you are using these features and Manad Plus to its fullest capacity and want to ensure you stay on top of your accreditation then please contact your dedicated Client Manager to discuss your needs.

You can easily set up a training session (either online or onsite) to ensure you are always compliant and on top of each outcome, no matter who comes knocking on the door!

Contact manad plus

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Give us a call

Management Advantage Pty Ltd
Suite 2, 430 Rae Street
Fitzroy North
VIC 3068
1300 62 62 32


1300 62 62 32