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Published: August 10, 2016
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National Guidelines for Spiritual Care in Aged Care

Meaningful Ageing Australia is pleased to announce the release of the National Guidelines for Spiritual Care in Aged Care.

The Guidelines are based on the principles of a whole-of-organisation approach, valuing relational care, affirming that spiritual care is everyone’s business, and that spiritual care is about growth and flourishing.

The Guidelines put forward five domains of spiritual care, with ten outcomes under each domain:

1. Organisational leadership and alignment
2. Relationships and connectedness
3. Identifying and meeting spiritual needs
4. Ethical context of spiritual care
5. Enabling spiritual expression

Read more:

Media Release: Spiritual guidelines balance art and science of spirituality in aged care – 9 August 2016 (.pdf)
Guidelines for Spiritual Care (.pdf)

Published: July 3, 2016
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Victorian Government: Regional Health Infrastructure Fund

The Victorian Government has established the $200 million Regional Health Infrastructure Fund as part of its commitment to better health for people in rural and regional Victoria.

The fund will provide upgrades for rural and regional hospitals to ensure Victorians, regardless of where they live, have access to quality health care when they need it.

Funding will assist regional and rural health services to improve:

– safety and quality of services
– service capacity
– models of care
– patient and staff amenity and
– service efficiency.

Projects will be determined through application-based funding rounds, with rural and regional hospitals and health services and agencies able to make submissions.

Applications close 29 August 2016.

Read more:

Victorian Government: Regional Health Infrastructure Fund

Published: July 2, 2016
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New Department of Health Website for Ageing and Aged Care content

From 1 July 2016 Ageing and Aged Care content will be moved from the Department of Social Services website to the Department of Health’s platform at

This is due to Machinery of Government changes which moved the responsibility for Ageing and Aged Care from the Department of Social Services to the Department of Health. The switchover will not be instantaneous as it can take some time for pages to appear. You will be able to continue to access content from the DSS site until the migration is complete. There will be re-directs in place if you use an old DSS url.


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