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Published: November 30, 2015
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Residential Aged Care Communiqué – Volume 10, Issue 4, November 2015

The latest edition of the Residential Aged Care Communiqué is now available.

The Residential Aged Care Communiqué (RAC Communiqué) is an electronic publication containing narrative case reports about lessons learned from the Coroners’ investigations into preventable deaths in Residential Aged Care facilities.

Read more:

Residential Aged Care Communiqué – Volume 10, Issue 4, November 2015 (.pdf)

Published: November 30, 2015
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2014–15 Report on the Operation of the Aged Care Act 1997

The Report on the Operation of the Aged Care Act 1997 (the Act) meets the requirement of section 63-2 of the Act that the Minister present to Parliament a report on the operation of the Act for each financial year.

This report describes the operation of the Act during 2014–15 and includes additional information to aid an understanding of aged care programmes and policies.

Read more:

2014–15 Report on the Operation of the Aged Care Act 1997 (.pdf)

Published: November 25, 2015
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Congratulations Webstercare – ITAC 2015 award for ‘ICT Innovative Company of the Year’

Congratulations to Webstercare for winning the ITAC 2015 award for ‘ICT Innovative Company of the Year’.

The RxMedChart system is Webstercare’s computer generated version of the National Residential Medication Chart (NRMC) and will change the way medications are prescribed, dispensed and managed in residential aged care facilities.

Read more:

Rx MedChart (link)

Manad Plus has an interface with their computerised system for administration:

MedSig – Computerised, paperless signing for nurses (link)

Published: November 20, 2015
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Emergency Risk Management Plans 2015-16

Released by DoH: 20 Nov 2015

“As the high risk season for major Australian weather events and bushfires approaches it is vital that all aged care services are well prepared and able to respond to a range of emergency events.
Maintaining quality care under these circumstances requires effective emergency risk management planning by providers and support from all levels of government.”

Read more:

Emergency Risk Management Plans 2015-16 (web)
Providers of Residential and Flexible Aged Care (.pdf)
Approved Providers of Home Care (.pdf)

Published: November 9, 2015
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Aged Care Commissioner – Annual Report 2014-15

The Aged Care Commissioner’s Annual Report 2014-15 describes key activities and initiatives undertaken during the year and reports on information required under the Aged Care Act 1997.

In addition, the Aged Care Commissioner reports on a variety of other measures, in the interests of transparency and increasing public understanding of the role and functions of the office.

Read more:

Annual Report 2014-2015 (.pdf)

Published: November 5, 2015

Ageing and Aged Care now part of Department of Health

Due to recent government changes, responsibility for ageing and aged care has moved to the Department of Health from 5 November 2015.

From Monday 9 November 2015, you will notice that we will be using Department of Health email addresses ( However, Department of Social Services email addresses ( will continue to work until further notice.

Read more:

Ageing and Aged Care now part of Department of Health (link)

Published: November 1, 2015
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Analysis of Dementia Programmes funded by the Department of Social Services – Final Report

KPMG was engaged in March 2015 by the Department of Social Services to conduct an analysis of dementia programmes and services funded by the Department. The analysis is intended to inform future dementia programme and policy development by the Australian Government. This document is the final report for the project.

Read more:

Analysis of Dementia Programmes funded by the Department of Social Services – Final report (.pdf)

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