Published: June 27, 2019
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Open disclosure framework now available

A document detailing a new Aged Care Open Disclosure Framework and Guidance is now available on the Commission’s website.

Open disclosure is the open discussion that an aged care provider has with people receiving aged care services when something goes wrong that has harmed or had the potential to cause harm to a person receiving aged care service.

The open disclosure document is in two parts:

Part A describes when open disclosure should be used, principles, elements and case studies of open disclosure, organisational enablers to promote open disclosure and the requirements of the Aged Care Quality Standards, while
Part B provides practical guidance to support providers to practice open disclosure.

Open disclosure is a requirement under the new Aged Care Quality Standards, which contain two specific references to this process:

Standard 6: Feedback and Complaints – this requires providers to use an open disclosure process when things go wrong.
Standard 8: Organisational Governance – where clinical care is provided, organisations are required to have a Clinical Governance Framework which includes open disclosure.

Read more:

Open disclosure framework now available

Aged Care Open Disclosure Framework and Guidance (.pdf)

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