Published: March 21, 2017
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Release of home care packages

A new national system for prioritising access to home care has now been established. The new system will allow home care packages to be assigned to consumers according to:

• their relative needs; and

• how long they have been waiting for care.

The department has started releasing home care packages through the new system, with approximately 11,300 packages scheduled for release throughout March 2017. As at 21 March 2017 approximately 1,200 have been released with an additional 10,100 to be released over the coming week. From next month, packages will be released on a regular basis, likely to be weekly.

The department hosted a webinar on 28 March 2017. That webinar can be viewed again here.

Read more:

Release of home care packages

Quick Reference Guide – Create service delivery outlets and add service information using the My Aged Care provider portal (.pdf)

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