Published: November 29, 2018
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Royal Commission Update (29 Nov 2018)

The Royal Commission will hold a preliminary hearing in Adelaide in December 2018.

The Commission has written to the 100 largest providers of age services nationally asking them to submit a range of information by 7th January.

All other service providers will be asked to submit information at a later date in February.

Some of the questions asked:

• Since 1 July 2013, have there been any occasions when your service or outlet has provided substandard care, including mistreatment and all forms of abuse?
• Since 1 July 2013, has your service or outlet received any complaints or had complaints made about them in relation to substandard care, including mistreatment and all forms of abuse?
• Since 1 July 2013, what (if anything) has your service or outlet done: (a) to ensure that the services it provides are of high quality and safe?
• As at 30 June 2018, did your service or outlet provide services to people younger than 65?
• Does your service or outlet experience difficulties in accessing health care for care recipients?
• What further changes (if any) could your service or outlet make to provide services of higher quality and greater safety and to improve individual outcomes?

Read more:

23 NOV 2018 – Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety – Letter (.pdf)


Manad Plus users should be able to find a lot of this data easily if you have been documenting everything, see:

• Feedback (Complaint records)
• Adverse Events (Incident records)
• Personnel Courses & Personnel Communication
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