Published: August 19, 2020
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Support for managing COVID-19 related costs

Grant opportunities are available to help aged care providers manage the financial impact of COVID-19:

COVID-19 Aged Care Support Program (ACSP) – GO3844
Support for Aged Care Workers in COVID-19 (SACWIC) – GO4215

The ACSP will reimburse aged care providers who are directly impacted by COVID-19. A directly impacted service has:

• one or more COVID-19 infected or isolated residents, clients, or staff
• incurred expenses between 24 February 2020 and 31 May 2021 as a result of a COVID infection.

SACWIC will provide funding to eligible aged care providers for additional costs as a result of supporting eligible workers during the COVID 19 pandemic. This grant is initially limited to the COVID-19 hotspots of Greater Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, but may be extended to other areas if needed.

Services may be able to apply for both grants, if they meet the eligibility criteria.

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Support for managing COVID-19 related costs

Financial support for aged care providers directly impacted by COVID-19

Published: August 18, 2020
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Statement from Ms Janet Anderson PSM: Regulatory actions to support Victorian aged care homes during COVID-19

The high number of COVID-19 outbreaks in aged care homes in Victoria has reinforced the need for everyone working in the aged care sector to be alert and work collaboratively in responding to individual outbreaks.

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission remains strongly engaged with aged care services experiencing an outbreak, exercising all our powers as the aged care regulator to minimise the risk to consumers and staff. As we monitor and support these services, the Commission is working closely with the Commonwealth Department of Health, the Victorian Aged Care Response Centre and Victorian health authorities.

Read more:

Statement from Ms Janet Anderson PSM – Regulatory actions to support Victorian aged care homes during COVID-19 (.pdf)

Published: August 17, 2020
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New Mental Health Clinics to support Victorians during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Australian Government will provide an additional $31.9 million to create 15 mental health clinics across Victoria and further enhance essential support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Australian Government recognises the ongoing Victorian restrictions needed to stop the spread of the virus are having a significant impact on the mental health of individuals and communities in Victoria.

$26.9 million of the new funding will establish 15 dedicated mental health clinics across Victoria, with nine clinics in Greater Melbourne and six in regional Victoria.

The clinics will be located at existing GP clinics, headspace centres or other community sites where people usually access general health care. A list of these locations will be announced within the coming weeks.

The clinics will support GPs by providing access to multidisciplinary teams of mental health workers, including psychologists, mental health nurses, social workers, and alcohol and drug workers.

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Published: August 16, 2020
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PPE manufacturing to skyrocket in NSW

The NSW Government has ramped up its commitment to COVID safety, introducing a $5 million grants scheme to locally manufacture critical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and create jobs.

Deputy Premier John Barilaro today launched the program to support domestic manufacturing of PPE in NSW by providing grants to local companies to help fund equipment, raw materials and recruitment of skilled staff.

“This scheme is part of the NSW Government’s commitment to ramping up domestic manufacturing in NSW, developing regular supply and creating vital jobs to meet the long haul challenge of COVID-19,” Mr Barilaro said.

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PPE manufacturing to skyrocket in NSW

Published: August 14, 2020
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Nutrition during COVID-19

Keeping aged care consumers engaged and healthy is an ongoing priority for all aged care providers, and has never been more important than it is now, during the pandemic. Nutrition deserves close attention in this regard.

Here are some simple steps to prevent, identify and manage malnutrition risk:

1. Screen for malnutrition risks
2. Continue dietitian visits
3. Social distance dining

Read more:

Nutrition during COVID-19

Tips recommended by The Lantern Project to manage the risk of malnutrition during COVID-19 visitor restrictions

🎥: Lantern Lockdown Tips

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