Published: August 10, 2021
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Expansion of home care workforce underway

Australia’s personal care workforce is being strengthened and increased under a $91.8 million Morrison Government initiative helping older people live at home for longer.

In another comprehensive response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, the Home Care Workforce Support Program will help administrators attract, train and retain approximately 13,000 new personal care workers by mid-2023.

Minister for Health and Aged Care, Greg Hunt, said the program would rapidly increase the number and skills of people providing aged care in the home.

“The grants will support the employment of 6000 new personal care workers in 2021-22 and 7000 more in the following year, including an increase in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander personal care workers,” Minister Hunt said.

“They will ensure new and existing personal care workers have the skills and support required to provide quality aged care services to all seniors who need them.”

It will also improve links with the training and recruitment, helping the broader aged care sector, including residential care, boost its work pool.

Read more:

Expansion of home care workforce underway

Current Grant Opportunity View – GO4990

Published: August 9, 2021
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Acknowledging Australia’s aged care employees

The Morrison Government today recognises the extraordinary contribution of aged care employees across Australia.

Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services, Richard Colbeck, said August 7 marked Aged Care Employee Day – an important opportunity to say thanks to more than 360,000 workers across the sector.

“Our aged care employees at every level work tirelessly to ensure the safety and quality of care of senior and vulnerable Australians,” Minister Colbeck said.

“These are people who never discriminate and always put the care and wellbeing of others at the forefront.

“It is the kind of dedication that deserves recognition.

“To all those employees we say thank you for providing the respect, care and dignity senior Australians deserve”.

Read more:

Acknowledging Australia’s aged care employees

Published: August 6, 2021
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Single site funding support extended for COVID-19 impacted areas in New South Wales and Victoria

The Australian Government is closely monitoring the situation across the country, particularly in New South Wales and Victoria.

Single site workforce arrangements and funding support extensions
In recognition of the extended COVID-19 hotspot declaration from the Australian Government Acting Chief Medical Officer, Professor Michael Kidd, single site workforce arrangements and Australian Government support funding is being extended to 11 September for all local government areas across Greater Sydney, including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour.

Read more:

Single site funding support extended for COVID-19 impacted areas in New South Wales and Victoria

Published: August 6, 2021
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Are you ready for Improved Payment Arrangements?

Phase 2 of the Improved Payment Arrangements (IPA) will start from 1 September 2021. This means home care providers will receive funding based on the actual services delivered to their care recipients.

To get ready for IPA Phase 2 you should:

• make sure your claims are up to date with Services Australia:
• submit claims in sequential order (e.g. you must submit a claim for January before you claim for February)
• only one claim can be finalised per day
• submit $0 claims for those months you haven’t provided care to any care recipients
• reconcile the Commonwealth unspent amount for departed care recipients, and continue to report this to Services Australia
• make sure your systems and processes are in place to track and report the value of care and services delivered for each care recipient
• reconcile the Commonwealth portion of unspent funds you are currently holding for each care recipient as at 31 August 2021.

Read more:

Are you ready for Improved Payment Arrangements?

Improved payment arrangements for home care

Published: August 6, 2021
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Register for Improved Payment Arrangements online workshops

Services Australia is hosting three online workshops to support home care providers get ready for the Improved Payment Arrangements (IPA) measure.

• Payment Statement workshop: Friday 6 August, 9:30 – 11:00am
• Bulk file import workshop: Friday 13 August, 2:00 – 3:30pm
• Aged Care Provider Portal wireframes workshop: Thursday 19 August, 12:00 – 1:00pm

Read more:

Register for Improved Payment Arrangements online workshops


Online workshops through Eventbrite at the following links:

Payment Statement
Bulk file import
ACPP wireframes

Published: August 5, 2021
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Information for the Aged Care Sector – Issue 2021/14

This newsletter provides important information on matters affecting the aged care sector, including aged care initiatives, programs and processes.

In this issue:

• Get involved in Aged Care Transition to Practice

Residential Care:

• Veterans in residential aged care – accessing aids and equipment

Home Care:

• New national provider of Goods, Equipment and Assistive Technology under the CHSP
• CHSP 2022–23 Extension Working Group

Read more:

Information for the Aged Care Sector – Issue 2021/14 (.pdf)

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