Published: February 10, 2022
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More than 80 per cent of eligible aged care residents receive boosters

Senior Australians in residential aged care are leading the national uptake of boosters, with 80.56 per cent of those eligible for their third vaccine shot now having received it.

In-reach booster clinics have reached all 2541 facilities across Australia, with the program completed ahead of the original schedule as the Morrison Government responded to the updated advice on the timing of boosters by ATAGI.
The booster vaccination rate for aged care residents is well ahead of the national community figure of 55.43 per cent.
Minister for Health and Aged Care, Greg Hunt, said it is an excellent response from residents and encouraged those who may not have been eligible or originally declined a booster, to roll up their sleeves.

“We want to continue to provide increased protection for senior Australians and are returning to residential aged care facilities to provide another opportunity for both residents and workers to get their booster dose,” Minister Hunt said.

Read more:

More than 80 per cent of eligible aged care residents receive boosters

Published: February 10, 2022
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Upgrades to Services Australia’s aged care digital claiming and events

As we have communicated previously, we have been working with Services Australia to prepare Manad Plus for upgrades they are making to their digital health and aged care channels.

These upgrades will see aged care digital claiming and event transmission via Business to Government (B2G) software move from adaptor technology to web services technology.

By 13 March 2022, aged care providers will need to use web services compatible software to access the B2G channel for Aged Care Web Services. Aged care providers can continue to use the Aged Care Provider Portal to process claims and events.

We are currently going through final testing for each of the event types (Admissions, Departures, ACFI, Leave etc.) as we work towards receiving our Notice of Integration (NOI) from Services Australia.

As soon as we have received our NOI, we will let you know which Manad Plus version this new option will be available in and how to activate it. In the meantime, and until we release the new version, to move to the new web services, there are some things each organisation will need to do that we cannot do for you.

Changes to Authentication for Business to Government (B2G)

In addition to the upgrade, Services Australia is moving its authentication for B2G from Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology to Provider Digital Access (PRODA).

PRODA is an online verification and authentication system that verifies an organisation or individuals’ identity online. It enables secure access to multiple government online services, including Services Australia’s digital health and aged care channels.

Why are these changes happening?

These changes will ensure Services Australia’s digital health and aged care claiming channels are stable and using up-to-date industry-standard technology.

They will also ensure that patient and provider information is secure, now and into the future.

What this means for you

Manad Plus will be updating your B2G software to support the upgrades to Aged Care Web Services.

You, however, will need to register your organisation in PRODA by 13 March 2022, as PKI authentication will cease for B2G.

Important: Manad Plus will not be able to set your organisation up for PRODA.

For more information, go to How to register an organisation. You can do this now and don’t need to wait.

Once you have the Manad Plus version for web services installed

You will need to:

1. Register and activate a ‘Device’. Learn how to register, activate and manage Business to Business (B2B) Devices in PRODA, at: Managing B2B Devices.
2. Enter the Device Name & Activation Code into Manad Plus.
3. Complete the ‘Register or update for Aged Care web services form (AC027)‘ to set up your device for Aged Care web services.
4. Return the AC027 Form and any supporting document(s) by email to:


Medicare PKI certificates are used for purposes other than digital claiming or transmitting data to Services Australia. You may still need your PKI certificate to authenticate for other programmes.

For more information

If you would like to know more about web services and the upgrades to B2G visit:

Web services for digital health and aged care channels
PRODA – How to register an organisation
PRODA – How to register for an Individual account
Infographic – Registering your Organisation in PRODA (.pdf)
Simulations – How to create a Provider Digital Access (PRODA) account
Simulations – Registering your Organisation in Provider Digital Access (PRODA)
Managing organisation members and their delegations

If you have any questions please get in touch with the Help Desk team.

• P: 1300 62 62 32
• E:

Published: February 9, 2022
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Better aged care services for senior Australians in the bush

Aged care providers in regional and remote parts of Australia will be able to improve services and create safer environments under the latest investment from the Morrison Government.

The $35.3 million multi-purpose services (MPS) program will see 110 aged care sites benefit from minor capital grant projects averaging $321,000 each.

Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services Richard Colbeck said the work would range from simple improvements such as gardens and pathways to major building renovations.

“The aim is to improve the health, safety and wellbeing of residents, including for those living with dementia,” Minister Colbeck said.

“These services allow people to stay in their own communities as they get older, close to their family and community ties.

Providers of MPS sites will also soon have the opportunity to expand their services, with 100 new residential care places on offer through a competitive allocation round.”

Read more:

Better aged care services for senior Australians in the bush

Published: February 8, 2022
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The Australian Defence Force to work with the aged care sector to provide immediate support for staff

The Australian Government has announced that it will deploy up to 1,700 Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel to support staff in the aged care sector.

The ADF will provide immediate support, coordinated in partnership with the Australian Government Department of Health (the Department). It is intended to assist stabilise outbreaks and support staff shortages in residential aged care facilities.

ADF personnel will undertake induction training with healthcare provider Aspen Medical and will deploy four Clinical Support Teams this week. These teams will comprise nurses and general support staff and complement the current Aspen Medical Standing Teams. A further 6 teams are being readied for deployment from next week.

The Australian Defence Force teams will supplement existing Commonwealth workforce surge measures to ensure more support is available to facilities experiencing outbreaks.

Read more:

The Australian Defence Force to work with the aged care sector to provide immediate support for staff

Published: February 8, 2022
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Aged Care Alert: Information for the Aged Care Sector Newsletter – Issue #2022/02

News about the reforms:

• Latest Home Care Packages Program Data Report
• Be informed: Concepts for a new framework for regulating aged care
• Get involved: In-home aged care providers needed for pilot of new quality measures
• Get involved: Residential aged care services needed for pilot of new quality measures

Other news:

• Review your incident management system now
• Vision Australia webinar: understanding low vision and blindness

For residential care providers:

• Information for providers using Services Australia’s Aged Care Online

For home care providers:

• Improved Payment Arrangements: Home care opt-in ends 28 February
• Updated home care pricing summary available

Read more:

Aged Care Alert: Information for the Aged Care Sector Newsletter – Issue #2022/02 (.pdf)

Published: February 4, 2022
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Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner reappointed

The Commissioner for Aged Care Quality and Safety, Ms Janet Anderson PSM, has been reappointed for a further three years.

Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Services, Richard Colbeck, said Ms Anderson had shown extraordinary leadership during a challenging time.

“I congratulate and thank Ms Anderson for her leadership of the Commission over a period of major change that included new quality standards, additional functions and powers, sustained public scrutiny from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, and a challenging operating environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Minister Colbeck said.

“I look forward to her continued leadership of the Commission’s contribution to the Government’s landmark $17.7 billion aged care reform program now under way. Ms Anderson will play a critical role in this program.”

Read more:

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner reappointed

Published: February 3, 2022
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Aged Care Workforce Bonus Payment

The Government announced on 1 February 2022 that an aged care workforce bonus of up to $800 will be paid to eligible aged care staff in Government subsidised home care and residential care.

The bonus will be paid in two instalments to care and support workers in home care and to direct care workers, food preparation workers and cleaners in residential care.

The instalments of up to $400 will each be payable to workers employed on 28 February and 28 April. The amount of the bonus will depend on whether the worker is working in home care or residential care and will be prorated based on the highest number of hours worked in a single week out of the four weeks leading up to those dates.

Read more:

Aged Care Workforce Bonus Payment

Published: February 2, 2022
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Regulatory activities to protect aged care consumers during the pandemic – Statement from Ms Janet Anderson PSM, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, presenting ongoing risks to older Australians receiving aged care, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) is constantly reassessing its regulatory response to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

In the last few months, the Commission has further refined regulatory processes and is closely monitoring providers to hold them to account for the delivery of safe, quality care to aged care consumers during the current Omicron wave. Key features of our approach to maintaining a strong regulatory response specifically in the context of COVID-19 include:

• undertaking more infection prevention and control monitoring spot checks at individual aged care services where there is an increased risk of a COVID-19 outbreak
• continuing to conduct site visits to residential services to support and ensure provider outbreak readiness
• resolving complaints, and engaging more closely with services where concerns have been raised about the impact of COVID-19 on care
• proactively contacting providers to ensure they have an outbreak management plan that is continually reviewed and updated
• continuing to assess and investigate serious incident notifications related to COVID-19
• holding providers to account by taking compliance and enforcement action wherever necessary
• using intelligence from spot checks, complaints, incidents and other sources to understand risks associated with COVID-19 and effectively target regulatory activities
• developing and promoting best practice outbreak management resources to the sector.

Read more:

Regulatory activities to protect aged care consumers during the pandemic – Statement from Ms Janet Anderson PSM, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner

Published: February 2, 2022
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How aged care workers can access a priority booster dose

Australia is a world leader in double vaccination rates against COVID-19 among its aged care workforce.

To continue to protect senior Australians living in aged care facilities and the community, all aged care workers are strongly encouraged to get a booster dose as soon as they are eligible – three months after their second dose.

People who receive a booster dose reduce the likelihood of severe illness, hospitalisation and death from COVID-19, and are less likely to transmit COVID-19 to others.

It is a mandatory condition of employment for residential aged care workers to receive a COVID-19 booster dose in Victoria, and for all aged care workers in the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia.

Read more:

How aged care workers can access a priority booster dose

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